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A Place to Call Home

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

Isaiah 55:8-9

This week marks two years since we moved into our wee cottage in the Scottish Highlands. I've been thinking a lot about it this week as I've spent a bit more time at home this week than I have over the last few months.

When we first got engaged, we started looking for somewhere to live as a married couple. We viewed lots of houses for the first 15 months of our engagement, but we were unable to get a mortgage so it looked like renting would be our only option for getting a house. We patiently waited and asked around. In those 15 months, not one rental house came up in the areas we were looking at.

About 3 months before our wedding, we were getting pretty desperate and I was getting very stressed. We asked for prayer and that week, we heard about a little cottage going up for rent in our ideal location.

Two years on, I can sometimes get complacent, wishing I could change things in our rented cottage or wishing we had a place of our own. But then I catch myself and remember what a privileged position we are in. We have a rental home, in a place we love. It's our own place that we can fill with the things we love and the people we love. One day I hope we can buy our own place, but I am trusting that God knows exactly where we will live and He has a plan for how we will spend our time in that place.

This photo was taken in that first week we've stayed in our house. It was a crazy week where we had to keep working, where I had to keep studying and where we were building furniture in our evenings. Yet, at the end of that week, we enjoyed a beautiful walk near out house and we were so thankful to call this new place home. And two years on, I am still so thankful that we have this beautiful place to call home.


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