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A Season for Everything

September is definitely one of my favourite months of the year. Not only is my birthday at the end of the month, but I love the crisp mornings and the warm sun. I love the produce that starts to ripen during this early autumn month, beautiful apples and pears and, my absolute favourites, brambles. The colours on the hills are starting to change to deeper shades of green and orange. I just love autumn in the Highlands!

This past year, I've really been trying to enjoy the season I've been in at the time. Rather than constantly wishing I am somewhere else or doing something else with my life, I am learning how I can be thankful for the gifts that God has given me each and every day.

One of my favourite verses on this idea comes from Ecclesiastes 3.

"He has made everything beautiful in its time."

God has given a time for each little thing. For every season, every moment, there is perfect timing and God has made it beautiful. Whenever I wish I was somewhere else, I am reminded that God has a perfect timing for all that is going on in the world, and also everything I am experiencing in my life.

This year, I have really been learning not to wish away every day, but to know just how special each day that God gives me is! God has made every thing, every day, every moment, beautiful in its time!


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