"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7
Like many of you, I can imagine, I have found these past few days really tough. What is happening on the other side of Europe feels very close, and yet also very far away. With each new update, I want to do something to help, and yet I feel completely helpless and have no idea what to do. My response so far has simply been to pray.
I have mentioned previously on this blog how difficult I have found prayer at points in my Christian walk. At times like this, it can seem much easier to turn to God in prayer rather than in a normal, mundane day. But this week, my biggest struggle has been what to actually say to God. What can I say to God about this complex situation? What do I even pray for?
This verse from Matthew has been a real encouragement to me over this past week. When we go to our God in prayer, He will hear us. He longs for us to simply come to Him in prayer. Even if I am struggling to find the words to say, God will hear my messy prayers and He will respond.