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Changing Perspective

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Luke 12:34

Last week, we moved the furniture around in our Living Room.

We've now lived in our little cottage in the Highlands for almost two years and this is the first time we've spent a good amount of time thinking about what we want to change in our home.

One of the biggest things we did was move our sofa to face our window and angle our TV so that it was to the side of the sofa, rather than facing it straight on. Just this little change has meant we've really cut down on the amount of TV we watch, and meant we are spending more time doing other important things for us.

I realised with this little change just how much my perspective has changed. I've spent more time reading and journalling, something I love doing in my hours off work. I've been able to spend time reading and studying the Bible and really soaking up God's Word. Even in the busy summer months here in the Highlands, being able to have these little moments of calm in my day is making such a difference to my day.

The verse above has is one that's been on my heart recently. I spend some time reading it and reflecting on it. In a very practical way, I've really been able to change how much time I am spending focussing on the things of God simply by changing the furniture around in our Living Room.

Sometimes a wee change can be a good thing, just to shake up our normal routine and make sure we are spending our limited time on earth in the best way possible.

Are there changes to your routine you could make to spend time on what is important to you?


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