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Finding Peace

"Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Romans 5:1

In a world where there is so much going on all the time, it is always very hard to find peace. Whether it's from the endless news stories we hear each day or from the notifications pinging on our phones, peace isn't really an everyday occurrence. I know it's always been a big struggle of mine to actually know how and where to find little moments of peace, especially in the busyness of daily life.

Part way through writing this blogpost, I ended up witnessing a road traffic accident near my home. Thankfully, everyone involved seems to be fine, but having to observe something so potentially life changing really challenged my peace throughout the day.

This world can seem crazy, but amidst it all, God has given us peace. Through Jesus, there is an opportunity to experience the kind of peace that only God can give. And it is a peace that is lasting, not temporary.

If we have faith in Jesus, we can trust that He will be our peace during the tumultuous times in our lives. Even when things are stressful, we know that He will be our peace in the storm.

This world might remain crazy, yet we can continue to to find out peace in the only One who can give us true peace, The Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.


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