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God is (still) at work

I wonder how your concept of time has changed over the last 18 months? Have you felt like time has stood still, where you were trying to figure out what to do with the endless time and limited options? Or do you fell like you've actually lost time because we haven't been able to do anything? That a year of your life has been wasted and you don't know how to make up that time again?

Today (9th August 2021) almost all Coronavirus restrictions in Scotland have lifted! It feels like there's a weight that's been lifted from our lives for the first time in 18 months. Things are starting to open up again. We are able to enjoy the company of people we might have been trying not to see for fear of spreading the virus. We are able to think again about what direction we are wanting our lives to go in?

Like many people, you might be asking where has God been in these many months? Has He like us pressed the pause button on daily life and resorted to spending time shut up with the latest Netflix series? Now that restrictions are easing, is God starting to think about getting back to work again, picking up the work He started in March 2020 again?

One of my favourite Psalms is Psalm 121. Verses 3 and 4 of the Psalm say:

"He will not let your foot slip-

He who watches over you will not slumber;

indeed, He who watches over Israel

will neither slumber nor sleep."

Despite all we have faced over the last 18 months, whether it was anxiety, hardship or simply boredom, God has still been at work throughout it all. His plans for our lives are still playing out, even if we cannot see it or tell right now. He hasn't been waiting around for the last year and a half, He has been at work in our lives and in our hearts.

Over the last 18 months, I have been able to see the ways the Lord has worked in lives of those around me. I have seen friends getting married (both in person and over Zoom) despite the constantly changing restrictions. I have seen other friends getting engaged, decided to commit themselves to one another despite the constant change going on around us. There are people who became Christians during this time!

Although it might feel like the world was on pause for the last year, God is still working in our lives. His plans do not stop when the world around us feels like it is on hold.


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