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I to the Hills will Lift Mine Eyes

"I lift my eyes to the hills.

From where does my help come?

My help comes from the Lord,

who made heaven and earth."

Psalm 121:1-2

As you go through each day, what are the little reminders of something more going on around you?

Near where we live, at the top of the Mam Ratagan viewpoint overlooking the Five Sisters of Kintail and the Loch Duich, there's a little plaque which tells you about the mountains you can see in front of you. It also has these verses from Psalm 121 on it, both in English and in Gaelic.

These verses from Psalm 121 have been favourites of mine for a number of years. When times have been hard, I've remembered these verses and been reminded of just how good God has always been to me. He has been faithful throughout all of my life.

Living in the Highlands, I am very blessed to have mountains and hills around me most of the time. Seeing them reminds me of the faithfulness of God, who made heaven and earth and who cares deeply for me.


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