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Let us Adore Him

This week between Christmas and New Year has always, and I'm sure will always be, unusual. Days seem to last weeks and there isn't really anything to do with our time other than spending time reading and going for walks. It is also unusual because, after spending weeks thinking about the coming of Jesus in the Christmas story, we get to Christmas Day and we don't really know what to think about or talk about next.

So now that Christmas Day is over, how should we reflect on the Christmas story?

In the carol O Come, All Ye Faithful, we get a clear answer.

O Come, Let us Adore Him

Jesus, the baby born in Bethlehem that we celebrate at Christmas, grew up to be Jesus, the Saviour who died for the sins of the world. He is the same Jesus we sing praises to at church on Sundays. We spend time over the Advent period reflecting on what happened at Christmas and the joy that it brings. And now, we can simply sit in adoration of all that God has done through the Christmas story.


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