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Meditating and Delighting

"I meditate on your precepts

and consider your ways.

I delight in your decrees;

I will not neglect your word."

Psalm 119:15-16

Spending so much of my time this year reading God's Word has been a challenge at times, but so rewarding. It's allowed me to gain a greater understanding and knowledge of the Bible overall. I've learned to really value spending time each day in God's Word.

Spending so much of my day reading and enjoying the Bible reminded me of these verses in Psalm 119. For many years, I'm not sure I've really been meditating and delighting in God's Word. Often its felt more of a chore rather than an enjoyable experience. It's been something I've felt I've had to do, rather than something I really want to do.

I'm hoping and praying that, moving forward, I will remain in this seaon of spending my time meditating and delighting in God's Word.


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