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Rejoicing in Thankfulness

"I will sing to the Lord all my life;

I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.

May my meditation be pleasing to Him,

as I rejoice in the Lord."

Psalm 104:33-34

Last Sunday at church was our annual Harvest Service. I've grown up going to church and every year, no matter what church I've attended, there is always a Harvest service at this time of year. For a long time, I didn't really see the point of Harvest services. I lived in a town where most people didn't grow things, so celebrating the end of the Harvest always seemed a bit strange for me.

That is until I moved to the Scottish Highlands. Now, a lot of people living nearby me grow their own produce or keep their own animals. We have even started growing our own veg and, this year, I managed to grow a few dahlia and cosmos stems. This time of year for those who live in the land is full of rejoicing because of all that has grown over the summer months. For months and months, my dahlias had no sign of flowering but I was so delighted last week when the few buds turned into the beautiful blooming flowers.

It's during these seasons of growing and harvesting produce that I can really see God's plan at work. Although this year hasn't been the best for growing this year, God has provided what I needed and shown me His faithfulness throughout the seasons.

Sometimes it can be hard to know what to thank God for. But seeing the flowers that have grown in my garden this year, I know I can be thankful for them and thankful to the One who gave me these gifts. And I can continue to sing praise to my God as long as I live.


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