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Rooted in Him

Coral Beach, Isle of Skye, Scottish Highlands, Scotland

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."

Colossians 2:6-7

If I was to pick my favourite book of the Bible, it would probably be Colossians. Throughout my life, the words of Colossians have comforted me in times of trouble and helped to understand more about Jesus when I've had questions I need answers to. They have helped me to understand what it means to continue on in my Christian life and how I should be growing more like Jesus each day.

These two verses in Colossians 2 really stood out to me as I read them this week. So often in the Christian life, we overcomplicate how we should continue to grow. We think we need to do things a certain way or we might be a "bad Christian". We try to give ourselves rules in order to continue growing, though we often end up failing in these rules. We fall into the trap of thinking we need to have a perfect faith.

These verses show us that we only need one thing: to be rooted and built up in Jesus. We have to continue coming back to Jesus to grow. We need to continue coming to Him in prayer. We need to continue reading His Word in the Bible. We need to contine reminding ourselves of His goodness and grace. It is only through continuing each day that we can stay rooted in Him.


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