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Seeing the Change in Myself

"Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. As You sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake, I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth."

John 17:17-19

As I was reading through these verses, I was struck by how unlike Jesus I am. I struggle so much with trusting what He says is true. I get annoyed at things people do at work easily. I am selfish and think of myself before others.

And then I started thinking about the ways that I am different from the person I was before I was a Christian. My thoughts and attitudes have become more focused on God and what He has done for me. I'm a much calmer person.

This is what it means to be sanctified. It is the ongoing work of God in my life to transform me each day more and more into the likeness of Jesus. It means that right now I can look back on the person I was before a Christian and see all the changes He has made in my life. It means being able to look back at my life in 5 years and seeing all the changes He has made from the point I am at now, and being able to do the same in 30 years as well.

When we become Christians, we start a journey with Him that will take us through our whole lives. It's a journey that we continue to change and grow through, and I am so excited to see where the journey leads next.


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