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The Great Love of God

Sunset in the Scottish Highlands

"For one will scarcely die for a righteous person-though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die-but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Romans 5:7-8

I remember the first time someone shared Romans 5:8 with me. I had just decided to start taking my Christian faith more seriously. Yet I was struggling to get my head around all that Jesus had done for me. Reading this verse really summed it all up for me. For years, I had this verse as a screensaver on my phone, reminding me each day of the constant truths of all that Jesus has done for me.

Since starting my recent Bible study in the book of Romans, I have been super surprised by all the parts of Romans that I don't think I'd ever read before.

I think these verses really sum up all that the Gospel means to me. Even though I am not worthy of it at all, God loved me so much that Jesus died for me. Despite not being a good person at all, the great love of God was shown to me.

I've saved this verse to be my phone screensaver again, to be a constant reminder to me of the great love of God for me.


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