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The Joy of a Morning Routine

"Keep me from deceitful ways; be gracious to me and teach me your law."

Psalms 119:29

I'm someone who needs a long, slow morning routine to set me up for the day ahead. Typically we wake up at 7:30 to start work at 10am.

After our alarm goes off, we listen to the morning news for 20 minutes or so. Then we get up and boil the kettle for a cup of tea whilst we unload the dishwasher. Then, piping hot cup of tea made, we head back to bed to read our Bibles.

This morning routine of ours has set me up over the last few years to really prioritise spending time in God's Word. I've felt myself feel really set up for the day ahead, going into the working day less frazzled and more calm.

Whenever this routine is interrupted, however, and I don't spend my mornings in this way, things start to go wrong much quicker. I lose my patience and start to get anxious more easily. I don't realise why things are going wrong and forget it's because I haven't spend that time in the morning, focusing on God and what He has to say.

Keep me from deceitful ways Lord. Show me Your grace and teach me Your laws.


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