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The Thoughts of a Reluctant Blogger

Hello, my name is Heather and I have been a blogger for the past seven years.

If you know me personally, you might be a bit shocked to realise this. Please don't be! Although I have been sharing parts of my life on the internet for almost a third of my life, I kept the whole thing entirely secret! I didn't even tell my husband about this part of my life, someone I have shared almost every part of my life with for the past four and a half years.

Why the big secret? I have had an overwhelming sense of fear in sharing this part of my life with people. What would people think of me? Is what I am writing any good? Would people make fun of me? These were questions that crossed my mind all the time.

In reality, I was terrified of being exposed in some way. I didn't want to seem like a failure, so I avoided sharing what I was doing with anyone. I was afraid of what other people would think of me, of their reactions, that I stopped that from even being an issue by not telling anyone about what I was doing.

The other issue with this reaction however is that, when I kept what I was doing a secret from everyone, I kept them out of something that was really important in my life. I really enjoy blogging. I enjoy sharing what is going on in my life and, in particular, how God is working in my life in this way. I also wanted this space to grow (in what way I am not entirely sure) but, when I refused to tell people about what was going on in my life, I stopped that growth from ever really taking place.

The amazing thing about God though is that He treasures out best efforts. God can use our little gifts, the ordinary efforts of ordinary people, to do extraordinary things. Even the smallest things used for God can be extraordinary. My little blog might not seem much to me, but when I hand it over to God, He can use it for His good and His glory.

I am praying for this space and for God to use it the way He wants.


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