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This is my Story, This is my Song

"Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written."

John 21:25

Over the Lent and Easter period, we've been studying this little book in the Gospel of John with our church. For me, spending so much time reflecting each day on Jesus' last night with His disciples, His death and the Resurrection was so encouraging to me and really opened my eyes to aspects of the story I hadn't seen before.

We finished the study at the weekend with this final verse from John's Gospel. This verse has been one that has really stuck with me for years. Across the globe, for many centuries, people's lives have been radically transformed by the amazing power of the Gospel. And I can count myself among that number!

I've reflected on this before, but it has been incredible for me to think and reflect on the ways that Jesus has changed my life since I became a Christian over 15 years ago. I've seen incredible opportunities come my way, met incredible people and seen my priorities change and shift over the years. It has been a time of real growth and I am amazed by all that God has done through the years.

Tomorrow marks 2 years since I started this blog. It was a big leap to start it then and to keep it going over the last few years has been a challenge, but I have loved being able to share my love of the Scottish Highlands and my faith with you all. Sharing my faith here has been something I've dreamed about doing for a long time, and I am so thankful for this little space to be able to share my relationship with Jesus. Thank you for following along, and I am so excited to see where God leads me next!


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