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When Plans Change

I've been refelcting recently about how different my life looks now compared to five years ago. That's when this picture was taken. We went on a wee trip to Uig in the north end of Skye. It was the end of April, but it was still pretty cold and very, very windy.

Back then I was in the half way through training to be a teacher. Throughout my time in high school, I was sure I wanted to be a teacher and was so excited to be on the course I was on. However, two years in, I was on placement and absolutely miserable. All I wanted to do was escape. I'd decided to transfer to a different course at my university but I had no idea what I would do with my degree once I graduated.

Looking back now, I am so thankful for that time in my life. I knew the path I was going down wasn't one that God wanted me to be on. I just wasn't happy!

Five years, I'm still a bit confused at my journey. But I know that this is where God wants me to be now. I love my life in the Highlands. I have a great job and I'm really loving the part time course I'm doing in the winter months.

I can't believe the journey I've been on over the past five years. But I'm so glad that 19 year old Heather decided to trust God with her future and pull out of the course that I was hating. I didn't know what the future held then (and I still don't know what the future holds now) but I trust that God has my future in His hands and trust that He will lead me on this journey through life each and every day.


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